Will your family tree be borrowed from someone else? Will you have contributed to its branches? Will it include only direct ancestors or will it include aunts, uncles and cousins? Will it be well documented and have reliable sources? Do you want your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren included in your forever family? What about your great-great-grandparents would thy want their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren included in this family?
D&C 128:24 ... Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation.
The subject of an article in the April 2007 Ensign is “Branching Out on Your Family Tree”. This article by George D. Durrant discusses adding to your family history, more than just your direct line, include the children and grandchildren of your ancestors. Now people who say their work is done, because grandma did it all, have no more excuses. The fruit is ripe and ready to pick. Read his article.
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