Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Renee's Blog Moved
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Cemetery Records Online at Interment.net

You can find lookups for cemeteries from all over in several countries and detailed listings of burials at many of those cemeteries. There are also outside links to other death and burial indexes.

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Help Evaluate new Family Search

Here is the letter inviting people to participate:
Dear LDS Church Members and Friends,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is developing a new version of the FamilySearch.org website. This new website will help members identify ancestors, link them to families, and provide temple ordinances for them.
Can you volunteer an hour of time to help evaluate this new website? Do you know someone else who might be interested? We need feedback to make the final website as easy and enjoyable to use as possible. We are especially interested in feedback from individuals who are new to family history work.
Anyone over age 18 interested in participating in this evaluation should go to:
Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm. We greatly value your time and opinion.
FamilySearch Evaluation Team
Family and Church History Department
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Family History Books on Google Books

In the Google Book search page enter what you want to search for. Example: Vital Records.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Branching Out on Your Family Tree

Will your family tree be borrowed from someone else? Will you have contributed to its branches? Will it include only direct ancestors or will it include aunts, uncles and cousins? Will it be well documented and have reliable sources? Do you want your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren included in your forever family? What about your great-great-grandparents would thy want their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren included in this family?
D&C 128:24 ... Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation.
The subject of an article in the April 2007 Ensign is “Branching Out on Your Family Tree”. This article by George D. Durrant discusses adding to your family history, more than just your direct line, include the children and grandchildren of your ancestors. Now people who say their work is done, because grandma did it all, have no more excuses. The fruit is ripe and ready to pick. Read his article.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Roots Television On Demand Family History

Sunday, April 1, 2007
Life Browser at FamilySearch Labs

This project shows different multimedia items which are linked to an individual. In the sample it included Photos, Census records, Maps, Historic Photos, and other resource materials.

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Nova Scotia Canada Vital Records now online

Here is the news release:
FamilySearch News Release
27 March 2007
One Million Historical Names from Canada Go Online
Nova Scotia Releases Early Birth, Marriage, and Death Records
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-Early vital records of Nova Scotia, Canada, are viewable over the Internet for the first time and for free, thanks to a joint project by the Genealogical Society of Utah, FamilySearch, and the Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management (NSARM). The records include one million names found in birth records from 1864 to 1877, marriages from 1864 to 1930, and death records from 1864 to 1877 and 1908 to 1955. Users can search the database at www.novascotiagenealogy.com.
Nova Scotia is the first province in Canada to digitize all of its historical vital statistics and make them available online. "This project provides key information to researchers on their ancestors," said Genealogical Society of Utah regional manager Alain Allard. "It involves the vital records-births, marriages, and deaths-which are a key record set to find, identify, and link ancestors into family units."
The Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU) first microfilmed most of Nova Scotia's vital records back in the 1980s. In 2005, GSU used FamilySearch Scanning to convert those microfilms to digital images, while at the same time capturing additional vital records with a specially designed digital camera. Volunteers for the Nova Scotia Archives then used the images to create the searchable electronic index, which was completed in 2006.
Anyone can now search names in the index and view a high quality digital copy of the original image online for free at NSARM's Web site, www.novascotiagenealogy.com. In the near future, the index and images will also be available on FamilySearch.org. Researchers who want to obtain an official copy of a record can do so online through the Nova Scotia Archives. The cost will be CAN$9.95 for an electronic file and CAN$19.95, plus shipping ! ! and t axes, for paper copies.
Nova Scotia Provincial Archivist, W. Brian Speirs, said the cooperation of GSU was crucial to this important project. "Without the Genealogical Society of Utah offering in the early days of the project to provide complimentary digitization of all the records as their contribution to the initiative, the proposed undertaking would have been dead in the water and gone nowhere," Speirs said.
FamilySearch is the public channel of the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU), a nonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. FamilySearch maintains the world's largest repository of genealogical resources accessed through FamilySearch.org, the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, and over 4,500 family history centers in 70 countries.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Linkpendium Genealogy Search Site

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
New FamilySearch Beta 2 - Sources
New FamilySearch will be released in smaller Temple districts first, so Utah will be the last to get use of the new web site. The new version of FamilySearch will include all of FamilySearch's major databases all linked together into families and pedigrees. The main purpose of this first release is to replace TempleReady. The hope is that this new program will eliminate duplication of Temple work. The main family view shows the selected individual and Spouse Highlighted, with children to the left, and a pedigree to the right which shows the parents and grandparents of both the husband and wife.

Sources are important in this new web site. Uploaded GEDCOM files can include Sources and Notes. The Notes and Sources from the Pedigree Resource File will also be included. All contributions to the file can be reviewed with thier sources and notes.

You can update any information you have submitted and add comments about other peoples submissions. You can add new individuals online and add sources. To add a source you first click on "Select a source" and choose the source type from the drop down list.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Pedigree Resource File Updated

Patrons will still have to use the CD's to download information or see sources and notes that were submitted by patrons. If a submission contains Sources or Notes the CD disk number will be shown at the bottom of the individual page. I have noticed that most submissions do not contain sources and that some of the source citation listed turn out to not be good sources, but many do have useful information for those trying to verify their information or extend their family lines.
Patrons of FamilySearch are encouraged to submit their family history to the PRF so others working on the same lines can work together to avoid duplication of effort. Be sure to include your source citation with your citations.
The entire PRF with its sources and notes will become a part of new.FamilySearch when it is released later this year. All the names in PRF will then be linked in Families and Pedigrees with the names from the IGI, the Ancestral File, the Census indexes, all future extracted records from the Granite Vaults, and any future submissions by patrons of FamilySearch.
Monday, March 5, 2007
FamilySearch Indexing

At the site you can review the projects available to index.
By selecting a project you can get more details about a project.
Instructions and samples of the images are available, including training lessons.
The average batch takes between 1/2 hour and 1 hour to index. The Church is looking for people to help index the 2.4 million rolls of microfilm stored in the Granite Vaults. Sign up now.
FamilySearch Scanning - Scanstone
The microfilms can now be scanned using new high speed scanners.
Images are stored on servers with backup copies stored in the Granite Vaults.
After the images are indexed they will be made available free on the FamilySearch web site.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Arizona Birth and Death Certificates Online

After entering the name you are searching for you get a list of hits.
Select the name from the list of hits and the image is opened. You can print or save the image.
Many of the images you download need to be straightened and cropped. I use Picasa, a free photo editing program from Google. Some of the images are stored in PDF files and I use Photoshop Elements to edit those files.
Check out this site.
LDS Tech Web Site
This site is designed to introduce the public to the technology used by the church.
"What is LDS TECH?"
"With the global reach of the Church, members from around the world are curious about the type of technical work we do. This web site is designed to give you a glimpse into that work and how you can get involved." Tom Welch, Manager Technology Community
The site introduces the people who work for the Church information department. It contains links to blogs by many of the Church information workers.
The site contains forums where people can discuss and ask questions about Chruch Technologies. Subjects include: Family History, Online Scriptures, Unit Web Sites, MLS, LDS.ORG, Technology Web Site, Current Church Technology, and Help Wanted.
Check it out.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Utah Death Certificates

Many images need to be straightened and cropped. I use Picasa which is a free photo editing program from Google. It is easy and quick. Have fun finding your ancestors certificates.